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Saturday, October 27, 2012

over the moon

sometimes my silence means that i've decided that my mouth couldn't possibly be qualified
to say all that my heart needs it to.
so rather than ruin the song,the poem, or the tender breaking that my heart strings are stitching together with deep breaths and deeper exhalations, i sit quietly and let the beating of my heart carry the words through my veins to escape through my fingertips.
i sit under a starry night and stare at a moon that stares back.
my heart beats wildly with an eagerness and desire to jump over that moon.
but, i have planted roots in the ground that tether me to the treet tops.
i share the wind with wood nymphs, sunbeams with the tips of wings and my heart soars with the secrets kept by the rivers...
but, i long to see what's on the other side of that moon...
the flutter of wings and the whispers of raindrops have me believing
that it's there that i'll find the other side of my heart. antonym i shall be

    a: easily broken or destroyed fragile
    b: constitutionally delicate : lacking in vigor fragile
2.  tenuous, slight <fragile hope>
Synonym Discussion of FRAGILE

fragile, frangible, brittle, crisp, friable mean breaking easily. fragile implies extreme delicacy of material or construction and need for careful handling fragile

antique chair>. frangible implies susceptibility to being broken; brittle implies hardness together with lack of elasticity or flexibility or toughness <brittle bones>. crisp implies a firmness and brittleness desirable especially in some foods <crisp lettuce>. friable applies to substances that are easily crumbled or pulverized <friable soil>.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

When the bough breaks...

Tonight, I am broken hearted. But, in these tears I will bathe a new beginning and grieve lessons learned. I will raise a glass to feigned bravery and friends that hold my chin high until I find the strength to stand with shoulders back and a heart eager again for the sun. In the meantime, I will sort through these pieces and sew seams with snowflakes and twine. I will seek wisdom from the bough that is broken and I will plant a stronger tree in its place.