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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Fine Lines

Fine lines. There are many. They wrap themselves around our hearts, tie knots, and sink in. When that heart finally breaks, we’re left with a mess to untangle from the rubble. Lines everywhere that must be sorted through and straightened out. There’s a fine line between forgiving someone because you’re strong enough to stay and forgiving someone because you’re too weak to leave. There’s the fine line between believing in someone because you see all the good they posess and believing in someone because you’ve forgotten how to believe in yourself. There’s the fine line of loving one another through betrayal, pain, and heartbreak because even the broken pieces of you can’t go one second without them by your side and then there’s loving one another through all of that because the shattered pieces are to weak to stand up and believe you’re worth anything better. And finally there’s the fine lines of going through the motions of leaving because you know that's what you should do and going through the motions of staying because you just don’t know how to do anything else. All of these lines shape the outline of our hearts. Sometimes we cross them. Sometimes we tie knots in them. Sometimes we cut them. If we could just learn how to string our lines together and tangle ourselves in love, respect, honor, and truth we would end up with a knot worth tying and the fine lines would be those made by the sun on the morning petals of promises.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

they always know

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