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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bloody knuckles, hairy legs, and cabin remodeling 101

I haven't shaved my legs in almost 4 weeks.  I've also worn the same pair of jeans.  It's true.  And I don't care. (I have shaved my armpits however, and maintained other grooming necessities just to clear up any concerns).  My days have been completely consumed by undertaking the task of turning this shabby chic little cabin into something a bit more cozy and warm.  Other than leaving the house to do some communtiy volunteering and Alpine Search and Rescue class, my days and nights are spent with a hammer, nails, my drill, drywall mud, paint, and wood of some sort.  (I do shower and change clothes for social occasions in which public interaction is inevitable...but I still don't shave my legs).  I'm almost curious as to how long leg hair really gets when left to run willy nilly. It's 10:20pm...I quit my tim the toolman routine early tonight.  A productive day was had, however.  So far, this month of chest pounding accomplishments has covered a range of skill sets.  Some of these talents I was aware I posessed, others were a pleasant surprise, like being able to use my head, shelves, and strategically placed cinder blocks to hold an 8' sheet of plywood to the beams in the ceiling....literally.  This could quite possibly be the source of my headache or the odd feeling of being shorter this evening.  Either way, using my noggin paid off.  Nothing is more true than the old adage "necessity is the mother of invention".  When you're a wee 63" from the ground, weilding power tools, and materials larger than yourself, creative problem solving rules the day.  I've got splinters, scabbed up knuckles, random cuts and bruises and paint that refuses to come off,  all as progress souvenirs.  Tomorrow my day begins again with my lucky jeans, my hoodie, a cup of tea, and trusy Pandora to jolt me into super hero action.  Before and after pics will be coming include the hairy legs ;)

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