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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pancake Coma and Winter Preparation

It's a Bloody Mary kind of Sunday morning.  The kind with just a tad too much horseradish that makes you squint your eyes and sip it a bit slower.  No celery stalk though. I'm not a fan of useless decoration in my drink. Especially decorations that either poke me in the eye or obnoxiously go straight up my nose if I'm not paying attention. However, my hankering will go unfulfilled due to my cabinets being empty of the needed ingredients. This isn't total devestation though.  I love my coffee.  It too can have mind tingling properties depending on the number of cups I deem appropriate for my mood.
Today's forecast: Slow moving clouds of pancake coma followed by a sunny afternoon of hiking up the challenging trails on 'Firgit Abowter' Peak. Crisp winds of change from the east will likely bring another cold front but with it the need for my favorite attire and snow filled weekend getaways. Hoodies, fuzzy hats, vests, favorite jeans and good old fashioned cuddling up by the fire with a hot cup of  Single Tea.  Sounds like a winter I can weather.

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