Snow flurries are dancing outside my window this morning. Little swirly patterns move weightlessly through the air like a feathery ice capades performance and I've got a front row seat with a hot cup of tea. The moment they touch the earth, Mother absorbs the little dancers into her bosom with warm applause and readies them for another show. This looking glass of mine has revealed many a wonderous scene in the short time that I've been here. Just yesterday, a chance glance revealed a lone coyote in his glorious gold and gray coat sauntering by with a mission only he was aware of. I tried to grab my camera to capture the proof, but he disappeared as quickly as he had come. What is it about human nature that implores us to "capture" things we find beautiful...whether it be in pictures, paintings, on tethers or in horrific cages..or even other people. We are creatures obsessed with posessing and I do not hold myself guiltless of such. Even now, I am mezmorized by these tiny white miracles flitting about outside my window and I am compelled to "catch" one and hold it as if it were a willing participant in my need for a closer look. Perhaps this sense of entitlement boils up from our own personal void as a species unable to resist the beauty in the free, unowned, unbridled and in our sadism we kill that which we struggle to become ourselves. Beautiful. Free. Unowned. Unbridled. We fumble in our own we perpetuate our obsession to hold beauty, become beauty, the chains around us grow ever tighter, our spaces more confined, and our freedom a distant mirage.
Today, I will bask merely in the presence of my surroundings, these dancing snowflakes, the coyotes in the forest, and the Mother who envelopes us all...and I will find peace in owning my breath, my health, and my gratitude for her perfection.
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