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Friday, October 22, 2010

What's In Youuuuuur Cabin Cupboard?

Good morning world :) A chipper 41 degrees here in my office on this fine mountain day has put some pep in my step.  I do believe it might precipitate in some fashion judging by the ominous clouds.  It's been a minute since my last post.  I was dangling somewhere between bronchitis/smoke inhalation/pneumonia for a few days but I think I'm on the mend.  A steady medicine-martini of Thera-Flu, Nyquil, Mucinex, Excedrin, beer, hot tea, and Halls cough drops has either created a stupor of false well being or it has truly given my coughing, sneezing, stuffy head a one-two punch.  A genuine shout-out of endless thanks must be given to my good and faithful family and friends for bestowing upon me care packages that resembled a Walmart/Trader Joe's explosion in my living room. It was an early Christmas of survival-esque like items that truly reflected the imaginations of my caring loved ones.  I chuckled out loud as I rumaged through my gifts that revealed how dire they imagine my living situation to be.  Flannel sheets, toothpaste, rice-a-roni, ramen noodles, coffee, tea, more ramen noodles, chocolate, and boxes of pasta painted my floor in an array of colors and thoughtfullness. A few items however stand out as winning "most creative" in regards to the in depth thought that was given to what it must be like living alone, unemployed, in a somewhat desolate, freezing area of Colorado, in a cabin of questionable structural soundness, where either losing my mind, being snowed-in indefinitely, or becoming the foraging snack of a roaming bear or mountain lion is a very likely possibility.  I adore their forward thinking on these matters.  Anybody else might have just sent the norms, like peanut butter and toilet paper.  I, however, am blessed with geniuses in the mountain care package assemblers department.  As can be seen in the attached picture, I am fully equipped with coloring books and crayons should I feel the need for artistic expression. Don't let the elementary appearance fool you.  Coloring pictures of puppies is very stimulating.  In fact, I was even provided with scissors and tape should I decide to cut my fine artwork out and display it proudly.  Either that or I can put myself out of my own mind jilted misery with this orange handled weapon of mercy.  Should I change my mind afterwards, the tape will suffice in sealing any self inflicted wounds.  A brand new pack of gel roller pens should I be in need of scribing a letter or farewell note is proudly sitting in my pen holder. In addition, (one of my favorites) I received a small rectangular box precisely the right size for a single serving cup of one of those Motts applesauces, although I think it was the generic brand, coupled with a bag of bagels and a loving note that only a mother could write. Also included in my aresenal of mental exercises is a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle and my all time personal favorite.... a bag of mints lest I should offend myself with cabin induced death breath while flitting around my abode hanging my above mentioned artwork and muttering nonsense brought on by... 'the fever'
These well thought out essentials were bestowed upon me by the two most important women in my life whom know me better than perhaps even mom and Sue.  For as much as one could interpret my rants about these items as sarcastic, nothing could be further from the truth.  Were it not for them knowing the intricacies of my brain, I perhaps would be longing for these items.  Because, in fact, I have already perused my coloring books in search of my imminent Picasso, I have examined my puzzle and decided where it will hang, and I have leisurely consumed a mint or two throughout my day (as well as the two Hershey's kisses that were hiding amongst them).  In addition, I have been oversupplied with foodstuffs by not only Sue and my mom, but also my dear friends Cally and Abby. 
As the picture depicts, one can see that I am fully stocked with enough Ramen, pasta, beans, oatmeal, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, peanut butter and jelly for a full winter hibernation should I indeed find myself snowed-in or incapable of societal interaction.  Were it not for these wonderful women in my life, I surely might just succumb to a wintery withering of unrecognizabe proportions.  My deepest thanks, ladies.  My heart, stomach, and artistic nature are all overflowing with gratitude.  :)

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