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Saturday, October 9, 2010

We Now Return To Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

My apologies for the obnoxiously long dawdle in my own tide pool of indecision and heartache.  Rest assured however, all is well.  In fact, things are beyond well.  My current state of affairs are pleasantly residing somewhere between incredibly opitimal and categorically perfect.  There are only a few things that could catapult things beyond this euphoric state into mind blowing status.  In truth, I'm merely biding the time for them coming to pass.  Call it over confidence, call it dangerously optimistic, call it what you will, but I'll call it like I see it...and I see it just beautifully.    I'll spare you the details of the past few months that painted a whirlwind of events onto a jagged canvas resembling my life. Quite frankly the details and all the bruises that they left are rather unimportant. There's a reason life is full of 'growing pains' and I'm grateful in spite of the emotional stretch marks.  Stepping outside of any narcissistic notions that I experienced any of these emotions alone, I can't even begin to express adequate gratitude for the people in my life that held me up when I was falling, dried my eyes when the tears were blinding, and held my heart in their hands as I stumbled through the maze of mirrors.  And for those whom I may have inadvertently hurt along the way...I'm sorry.  Truly. 
May I remember the lessons learned and be a greater servant to those I love and to those I have yet to meet as a result.

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